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Our Professionalism

  • Team Focused  “Working together effectively to meet business goals faster” 

  • Action Oriented  “Driving to achieve ambitious targets in an efficient way” 
  • Passionate  “Caring passionately about our guests and business partners, and changing to meet their needs”
  • Savvy  “Knowing what it takes to beat our competitors, both now and in the future” 
Liên hệ

Công ty TNHH Quản lý Khách sạn & Dịch vụ Việt Nam

Địa chỉ show room Hà Nội: Số 5, Ngõ 143 Kim Mã, Ba Đình, Hà Nội, Việt Nam
Địa chỉ show room Quy Nhơn: 64/19 Chương Dương, Phường Nguyên Văn Cừ, TP Quy Nhơn, Tỉnh Bình Định
Hotline: 0912489002
Email:  Website:

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