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About Us

The company specializes in providing set up, management, training, business development services for hotels, condotels and resorts.

With nearly 20 years of experience with JW Marriott, Accor, IHG and officially joined in the field of consultancy, set up, management, training and strategy development. We are committed to the success of each project: Human Resources Development, Customer Experience, Corporate Responsibility, Bring revenue to the project and set winning ways

Liên hệ

Công ty TNHH Quản lý Khách sạn & Dịch vụ Việt Nam

Địa chỉ show room Hà Nội: Số 5, Ngõ 143 Kim Mã, Ba Đình, Hà Nội, Việt Nam
Địa chỉ show room Quy Nhơn: 64/19 Chương Dương, Phường Nguyên Văn Cừ, TP Quy Nhơn, Tỉnh Bình Định
Hotline: 0912489002
Email:  Website:

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